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Tips for the Cold and Flu Season

Posted Date: 12/12/2022

Tips for the Cold and Flu Season

Here are some tips for the cold and flu season and when to keep your child home from school.

Fever>100 Your child may return to school when they have been fever free for 24 hours without the use of medication.

Vomiting Your child may return to school when they have gone 24 hours without vomiting.

Diarrhea Your child may return when they have gone 24 hours without diarrhea

Cough If your child has trouble eating, playing, sleeping or is vomiting due to their cough please keep them home. If your child's cough has not improved within 5-7 days, please contact their doctor for further recommendations.

Please complete your child's medical profile in SchoolCare, our online school health system. This will help us be able to care for your child if they become ill at school.