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Full Day Preschool Program

Full Day Preschool Program

This program is for 3 and 4 year olds and is hosted at Ewalt Elementary. Placements are limited and will be assigned based on application date. Applications recieved after the classes are full students will be assigned to a waitlist. 
Child must be potty trained and be at least 3 by August 31


  • Preschool classes follow the district calendar and are from 8-3 pm when school is in session.

Enrollment Information
School Year 2024-2025

Registration form is available online. Spots for this program will fill in the order applications are received with priority given to Augusta residents and USD 402 employees. You can access the registration form by clicking here for the 24-25 school year. 

Student may attend for free if they meet one or more of the following criteria:

  • Student lives in a single parent home. Custodial parent is unmarried.
  • Either parent was a teenager (19 or younger) when child was born.
  • Either parent is lacking a high school diploma or GED.
  • Family qualifies for FREE lunches. 
  • Currently receiveing public assistance such as TANF, WIC or Food Stamps.
  • Student qualifies for migrant/homeless status.
  • Limited English Proficiency – Language spoken at home other than English.
  • Student is being referred by DCF to attend a preschool program. (Documentation will be required)
  • Your student has a developmental delay (to be determined by a screening from trained staff). ​

Students who do not meet any of the above criteria will pay tuition.

Monthly Fees:
$450 per month August thru April. No fees are charged in May, unless student starts in January. Fees will include 2 snacks a day. You may send your child with a lunch or pay for lunches. The District does not recieve state funding for non-qualifying preschool students so the tuition will cover the cost of the classroom staff. 

Preschool Handbook
Ewalt Preschool Handbook

After School Program
Families needing extended hours can enroll in the after school program. Hours are 3-5:30 pm when school is in session. Cost is $125 a month per child.

Bus Service

  • Is provided, if needed, if space is available

Questions/Additional Information:

​​Please contact Ewalt Elementary at (316)-775-0056 or email for more information