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Early Release Fridays (elementary)


How do I sign-up my child/children?

 Click here to Sign-up for Ewalt Elementary


Click here to sign-up for Garfield Elementary


Click here to sign-up for Lincoln Elementary


Why is the district implementing early release for elementary students?

Elementary teachers have voiced that there is simply not enough collaborative time at the elementary school level. The committee members worked to find a more equitable model when compared to our middle school and high school peers. The committee believes that adding more collaborative time for elementary teachers will result in multiple positive impacts on student learning, increased staff retention, and an improved work environment.


Why Friday?

Both teachers and parent survey responses were largely in favor of a Friday early release when compared to other days/times. Survey responses also preferred Friday afternoons. On early release Fridays elementary schools will dismiss at 1:35 pm (Sept-April).


Weekly or Monthly?

Weekly. Staff and parent survey results indicated that the consistency of weekly was preferred.


Will there be an after-school care option for students? 

Yes. After school care is available in each home building on early release Fridays for a fee. Students can be picked up anytime between 1:35 and 3:15 pm.


How much would the after-school care cost?

The cost is $10 per student/month. This fee will be paid via an ACH automatic withdrawal payment. The ACH application can be located here. Children who are already participating in the preexisting program at Ewalt would continue to receive those services as they have in the past. Free/reduced lunch families will have a reduced rate of $5 per month, per child.


What will the adult to student ratio be for after school-care?

The recommended after school care ratio for K-5 is 1 adult for every 16 students (1:16). Baseline data for parent surveys indicate that about 1/3rd of students will need after school care, which will allow for this threshold to be met.


Will after-school care students be separated by grade?

Students will be separated into grade bands, similar to the current process for the preexisting USD 402 after school program at Ewalt. 


Will the fee be paid by the day or by the month?

Month, via ACH auto draft withdrawal. 


What about students who receive USD 402 transportation after school?

Transportation students will remain in their buildings until the normal pick-up time to eliminate the need to run dual bus routes. No fee required.